The book you get written and published without leaving your home…
Bilbo Books Publishing has found a way to turn “being confined to our homes” into a creative endeavor, at the end of which is a finished book. The entire publishing process is done by phone, e-mail and regular mail, so there is no need for the author to leave home.

In the new “Tell-A-Book” process authors are now meeting with us in hour‑long phone conference calls, once every week or two, in which they TELL US THEIR LIFE STORY, and we write it for them, so that each phone call becomes pages of their book. We turn the phone call into written pages, send it to the author by e-mail or regular mail for review. Then our material is reviewed by other readers, graphic designers, and eventually printers, so their book is published and is available on and can be ordered at Barnes & Noble, as all of our books are.
Telling your life history in weekly “Tell-A-Book” phone conversations gives your memoir a conversational feeling and stimulates creative ideas and expressions.
Everyone has a unique and powerful story to tell. But how do you get started? Learn how we work to “Personalize the Process” by guiding you through the complete publishing life cycle in a manner that engages your creativity and honors your story.
For more information on this opportunity and others, contact us at or 706-549-1597.